Author Archive

Presentation of Vol 1 and 2 of ESM BUlletin to President Dr G. Abela – 2010

March 11th, 2011

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Presentation of Maltese Entomological Publications to President Fenech Adami

March 11th, 2011

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Presentation of Bulletin to Ministry of Finance

March 11th, 2011

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ESM exhibition at the National Science Fair

March 11th, 2011

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Book Launch Vol 3 To H.E

March 11th, 2011

Council Members & Editorials of “The Bulletin of Entomological Society of Malta” will meet with H.E the president of Malta on the 11th April 2011 to present the latest Publication “Volume 3”

Photos of the event:

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Book Launch Vol2

March 11th, 2011

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Book Launch Vol1

March 11th, 2011

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